A career in paramedicine is a most rewarding choice and brings with it numerous wonderful and fulfilling job experiences. Working for an ambulance service offers a range of job opportunities and great career pathways. From working on the road as a paramedic, to taking 000/111 calls in our communication centres, leading the teams as part of a management team or being a volunteer supporting your local community, you will be contributing to the health and wellbeing of our society. Below we put together relevant information and frequently asked questions about a career in paramedicine. We hope these will be helpful as you contemplate your career choices. For any further information please email us on admin@caa.net.au | ![]() |
Why would I want to be a paramedic and what is it like? | Paramedics form a crucial part of our societies pre-hospital response and are involved in people’s lives at their most vulnerable. Be it looking after an early labour or attending the scene of a car crash or looking after the last days of somebody’s life, paramedics are on the forefront of our health system. The job is extremely rewarding and provides diverse career opportunities, from working on the road, in communication centres, management opportunities, fleet equipment etc. Working as a paramedic requires clinical knowledge and good mental and physical health, it requires making quick judgements on complex clinical decisions while working under intense pressure. There are numerous articles and books written about the profession or by paramedics that can give you a good insight into the role. There are also current TV shows showing the life of NSW Ambulance and Ambulance Victoria paramedics. https://www.9now.com.au/paramedics |
How do I become a paramedic? | To become a Paramedic, in most states you will need to complete a qualification such as the Bachelor of Science (Paramedical Science), or Bachelor of Paramedic Science. There are many Universities across Australia and New Zealand that provide paramedic courses and also provide double degrees in nursing and paramedicine. You will want to ensure the course you are looking at is an accredited course by Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (APHRA). https://www.ahpra.gov.au/Accreditation/Approved-Programs-of-Study.aspx |
Do I need a university degree to become a paramedic? | Yes, to become a paramedic you will require a university degree. While requirements vary from state to state and in some cases like St John WA you can start working during your studies and in NSW you can learn on the job, you will still be required to hold a university degree to become a qualified paramedic. |
Where can I study to become a paramedic? |
Australian Capital Territory
Australian Catholic Universityhttps://courses.acu.edu.au/paramedicine
New South Wales
Australian Catholic Universityhttps://courses.acu.edu.au/paramedicine
Charles Sturt Universityhttps://study.csu.edu.au/courses/allied-health-pharmacy/bachelor-paramedicine
University of Tasmaniahttps://www.utas.edu.au/health/study/paramedicine
Western Sydney University
Northern Territory
Flinders Universityhttps://www.flinders.edu.au/study/courses/bachelor-paramedicine-nt
Australian Catholic Universityhttps://courses.acu.edu.au/paramedicine
Central Queensland Universityhttps://www.cqu.edu.au/courses/paramedic-science
Griffith Universityhttps://www.griffith.edu.au/study/health/paramedicine?location=dom
Queensland University of Technologyhttps://www.qut.edu.au/courses/bachelor-of-paramedic-science
University of the Sunshine Coast
University of Southern Queenslandhttps://www.usq.edu.au/study/degrees/bachelor-of-paramedicine
South Australia
Flinders Universityhttps://www.flinders.edu.au/study/courses/bachelor-paramedic-science
University of Tasmaniahttps://www.utas.edu.au/health/study/paramedicine
Australian Catholic Universityhttps://courses.acu.edu.au/paramedicine
Monash Universityhttps://www.monash.edu/medicine/spahc/paramedicine/home
Victoria Universityhttps://www.vu.edu.au/courses/bachelor-of-paramedicine-hbpd
La Trobe Universityhttps://www.latrobe.edu.au/courses/paramedicine
Federation University Australiahttps://www.latrobe.edu.au/courses/paramedicine
Western Australia
Edith Cowan Universityhttps://www.ecu.edu.au/degrees/courses/bachelor-of-science-paramedical-science
Curtin Universityhttps://study.curtin.edu.au/offering/course-ug-bachelor-of-science-paramedicine--b-paramed/
New Zealand
Auckland University of Technology
Whitireia Community Polytechnic |
Where can I work as a paramedic? | All states and territories across Australian have their own ambulance service and in New Zealand there are two ambulance services organisations. All services regularly recruit for new staff and you are best to follow their website and social media platforms for most recent recruitment opportunities.
For more information please visit your local ambulance service website (below):
NSW Ambulance https://www.ambulance.nsw.gov.au/ Ambulance Victoria https://www.ambulance.vic.gov.au/ Queensland Ambulance Service https://www.ambulance.qld.gov.au/index.html ACT Ambulance Service https://esa.act.gov.au/ambulance Ambulance Tasmania http://www.ambulance.tas.gov.au/ South Australia Ambulance Service http://www.saambulance.com.au/ St John Western Australia https://stjohnwa.com.au/ St John Northern Territory https://www.stjohnnt.org.au/ Hato Hone St John https://www.stjohn.org.nz/ Wellington Free Ambulance https://www.wfa.org.nz/ St John Ambulance Papua New Guinea https://www.stjohn.org.pg/ |
Who looks after paramedic registration? |
Australian Paramedic Registration
Paramedic registration is looked after by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). They are a regulatory body that works to help protect the public by regulating Australia's registered health practitioners including paramedics. Their primary role is to protect the public and set standards and policies that all registered health practitioners must meet. All practicing paramedics are since December 2018 required to register with APHRA. As a student, you will also be asked to register as a student to be able to undertake clinical training (this will be automatically done by your university) and once you complete your degree you will need to register for your full paramedic registration.
New Zealand Paramedic Registration
In New Zealand the Paramedic Council has just been established (June 2020) and anticipate paramedic registration to be in place in 2021. Additional information is available here: https://www.paramediccouncil.org.nz/ |
What is paramedic registration? | Anyone who works as or will use the title 'paramedic' (including people in non-clinical roles) must register with the Paramedicine Board of Australia (the Board) of APHRA. Students, medics, volunteer ambulance officers and EMTs do not need to apply for registration but registration is open to anyone who can satisfy the Board they are qualified and suitable for registration. From 1 December 2018, paramedicine became a nationally regulated profession under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (National Law) and the titles ‘paramedic’ and ‘paramedicine’ became protected by law. This means that from 1 December 2018, only people who are registered with APHRA or who have applied for registration before then, will be able to lawfully call themselves a paramedic. Once you are registered, your registration will appear on AHPRA's online Register of health practitioners. You will be required to regularly renew your registration with APHRA and will need to include demonstrating mandatory Continuing Professional Development. For more information on paramedicine registration please visit: https://www.paramedicineboard.gov.au/Registration/How-to-apply.aspx For more information on student registration please visit: https://www.ahpra.gov.au/Registration/Student-Registrations.aspx |
Can I work overseas with my degree? | Overseas opportunities are enormous. London Ambulance, South West Ambulance and other UK-based services are currently actively seeking graduates from Australia and New Zealand. There are also opportunities in Canada. Experienced paramedics can also be found on offshore oil rigs, on board superyachts and in special forces through the Middle East. |