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Webinar Series



The CAA Webinar Series is designed to inspire and educate with a range of speakers discussing topical issues from around the ambulance world. These 1-hour long webinars were originally devised to fill a gap left behind from postponing our CAA2020 Congress due to COVID-19 restrictions, but due to their success, they are now a permanent initiative of CAA.

The webinars are free to attend and registered paramedics can claim CPD points for attendance to contribute to their ongoing professional development.

We look forward to you joining us!

Upcoming Webinars

Upcoming CAA Webinars will be made available for registration here when available.


2025 Webinars On Demand

Check out other webinars hosted by the CAA below, available to you any time for your convenience by clicking on each tile.


2024 Webinars On Demand

Webinar Resources

2023 Webinars On Demand




2022 Webinars On Demand



Past Webinars

2021 Webinar Recordings

High-Performance CPR - An Insider's Story

Learn from Mike Helbock as he shares his HP-CPR experience and gain insight into how you can create, educate, and train high-performance CPR teams in the resuscitation of cardiac arrest victims through the use of performance measurement feedback.

Supported by Laerdal

Click here to watch


Public Access Defibrillation: Impact on patients and responders

The impact of early defibrillation on survival from cardiac arrest is well established. Public access defibrillation (PAD) improves survival outcomes, but it is also associated with improved quality of life? How do we maximise early CPR and PAD through volunteer responders and who should we recruit? Is there an impact on lay responders dispatched to cardiac arrest cases? 

Partnered with Philips

Click here to watch


Mastering Operation of Mechanical Chest Compression during CPR

During this webinar Professor Lars Wik MD, PhD will discuss the challenges faced during resuscitation and the role mechanical chest compression devices play. There will be a particular emphasis on best practice during resuscitation.

Supported by Stryker

Click here to watch


Connecting Clinicians and Data to Support Patient Outcomes

To maximise the utilization of resources and patient outcomes, a coordinated response to out-of-hospital emergency care relies on all stakeholders having insights into patient care. Historically the coordination of care has been disjointed at best, typically situational information was gathered at the point of initial patient care. Innovation in Telehealth, centralised patient records and mobile patient monitoring having provided insights like never before. 

Supported by Trapeze

Click here to watch 


Update of AHA/ERC CPR Guidelines

In the evolving science of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and resuscitation, the two most notable body of works are regularly published by the American Heart Association (AHA) and the European Resuscitation Congress (ERC) and recently both organisations released their guidelines in 202 and early 2021 respectfully.

Supported by Philips

Click here to watch


Mechanical Ventilation

This exciting webinar has been rescheduled with a second presenter added to the session. We will be showcasing local and international experience with mechanical ventilators.

Supported by ZOLL

Click here to watch


Sustainable Ambulance 

CAA is committed to working with the ambulance sector towards a more sustainable future and has created the CAA Sustainability Strategy as the first step in our goal for #SustainableAmbulance. Alexis is the Environmental and Sustainability Manager for Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust based in Yorkshire, UK and will be presenting on the decarbonisation of the ambulance sector in the UK

Click here to watch


Scientific and Regional Resuscitation Updates

In this Global Resuscitation Alliance webinar you will explore new science and stratgies for effective implementation of guidelines, learn about late-breaking science from top experts, and gain valuable knowledge-sharing by drawing on good practice examples f relevant programs in different countries and regions. 

Click here to watch


Infection Control Post Pandemic

Never has the importance of infection control been more prevalent than as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, and this extended 3 hour webinar will feature three experts on this topic

Supported by NEANN

Click here to watch


The Future of Stroke in Pre-hospital Care

An panel of experts from the Australian Stroke Alliance will share an update on pre-hospital stroke care guidelines, including an update on 'The golden hour' grant, which will deliver new technologies that will improve diagnosis, treatment times, and post-stroke care.

Click here to watch


Women in Leadership Panel

In celebration of International Women's Day, three inspiring female leaders from across Australia's emergency services will share their career journey, before joinging us for a live panel interview.

Click here to watch


2020 Webinar Recordings

Managing Traumatic Cardiac Arrest

In this exciting, topical webinar, Prof Lyon will present the epidemiology and pathology of TCA; describe the 'HOT' algorithm of pre-hospital interventions; how to maximise the chance of survival and address some key issues such as whether chest compressions should be performed in TCA. 

Supported by Philips

Click here to watch


CAA x Trapeze Interactive Ideas Board

In this webinar we will hear from industry leaders to summarise the ideas put forward on the CAA x Trapeze COVID-19 Interactive Ideas Board and give their view on the trends and how we can optimise our response to COVID-19. 

Partnered with Trapeze

Click here to watch


Sustainability & Ambulance Victoria

CAA has recently released its sustainability strategy and we are very excited to announce that Sally Mangan, Director Sustainability at Ambulance Victoria will be presenting on this very important topic, please join us for a very insightful look at the great work Sally and her team are accomplishing. 

Supported by Mercedes-Benz

Click here to watch


Mental Health & Wellbeing

CAA is pleased to announce our presenter for this webinar Dr Elizabeth Berryman, Founder and Director of Chnnl. After starting her career as a Registered Nurse, Liz studied Medicine at Otago University, becoming a fully qualified Medical Doctor, specialising in psychiatry. During her time working in medicine, Liz realised she wanted to be more involved in preventative mental health, we look forward to Liz presenting on this topic. 

Click here to watch 


Women in Leadership

CAA is pleased to announce Michelle Fyfe, CEO of St John Ambulance WA as our presenter for our Women in Leadership webinar. Michelle has had an accomplished career with many roles including WA Police Assistant Commissioner of State Crime, we look forward to Michelle sharing her story and the wonderful work the Women in Leadership working group are doing. 

Click here to watch


Singapore's Response to COVID-19

CAA is pleased to announce our presenter for this webinar, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Yih Yng Ng from the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine and Lead, Digital and Smart Health Office at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Dr Yih Yng Ng will be speaking on Singapore's response to COVID-19 and their experiences, challenges and innovative solutions. 

Click here to watch